Traditional hearing aids are designed to help those with hearing loss better hear and understand the acoustic characteristics of speech — but not so much music. In honor of Jazz Appreciation Month, celebrated during April, here are some hearing tips, tricks, and accessories for enjoying …
Gardening for Bird-Watchers: What to Plant
Our Favorite Plants for Bringing Sounds to the Yard! From chirping, tweeting, and trilling to whistling, hooting, and cooing, birds can turn the quietest garden into a symphony of sounds that brighten any morning and enliven the day. We’ve put together a list of our …
3 Nutritious Recipes That Support Healthy Hearing
National Nutrition Month is the perfect time to try out these nutritious, hearing-healthy recipes. March is National Nutrition Month — ready to decorate your plate with something festive and fresh? We’ve brought together some nutrient-rich recipes packed with foods that provide a solid foundation for …
The Link Between the Zika Virus and Hearing Loss
The more research that is done on the Zika virus, the more researchers learn of its long-lasting effects. One of the newest findings? The link between the virus and hearing loss. One of the most impactful ways to protect you and your family from Zika …
Hearing Loss in Hollywood
10 Movies and TV Shows With Deaf Characters It’s nearly Oscar time, and — as with every exciting round of Academy Award nominations — fans of this year’s contenders are choosing sides. Whether you’re #TeamEmmaStone or #TeamMerylStreep for best actress or you have your eye on “La La Land,” “Hidden Figures,” …
10 Heart-Healthy Snack Ideas
Celebrate American Heart Month with heart-healthy snack recipes that also help your hearing. Why is a hearing care provider talking to you about American Heart Month? Because hearing health is strongly linked to heart health! Problems with your heart affect the blood supply to your …
How to Ease Ear Infection Pain at Home
We’ve had earaches too, and we know they are no fun. Getting relief at home is not a cure for an ear infection (or otitis media), but these tips sure will help! With cold and flu season, as well as the customary cooler temperatures, comes …
How to Improve Your Balance with Yoga
According to Temple University research, women 65 and older who took twice-weekly yoga classes for nine weeks increased ankle flexibility and showed more confidence in walking. Flexibility and confidence? Sign us up! What Is Balance? Yoga can help with two types of balance — both …
Here’s a Little Something to Help You Hear Better
It’s an exciting time to need new technology, because we’ve recently added a completely new line of AGX® technology to our portfolio — the AGXR and AGXR Premium. AGXR technology is not only designed to seamlessly integrate with your life, but it’s also made to …
How Age Affects Speech Comprehension
Recent research has provided a wealth of new information about hearing loss and the brain, from where hearing actually happens — in the brain, not the ears — to how hearing loss can lead to issues such as dementia and depression. But the results from …