Each May, the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association (ASHA) celebrates Better Speech and Hearing Month, in an effort to increase awareness about communication disorders and hearing impairments as well as inspire action in the community. For 2019, the theme is “Communication Across the Lifespan”. …
FAQs About Hearing Loss
If you have recently been diagnosed with hearing loss, you may have a few questions. You are not alone! Many others may have inquired about the same issues, so the following provide answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about hearing loss. Do …
Untreated hearing loss in the USA costs $133 billion each year
The study “Hearing Loss – Numbers and Costs” was released in February 2019, revealing that disabling hearing loss in the USA costs around $133 billion each year. This equals around $9,100 per person with an untreated hearing loss. While 7% of all adults in the …
On March 3, Celebrate World Hearing Day by Checking Your Hearing!
March 3 is World Hearing Day, and every March, the World Health Organization (WHO) takes this valuable time to raise awareness about hearing loss, hearing health, and how to prevent hearing loss through hearing protection and safe listening practices. The theme for 2019 is ‘check …
Add an Annual Hearing Test to Your New Year’s Resolutions!
Welcome to the year 2019! ‘Tis the season for taking a good hard look at what we achieved in 2018 and making some plans about what we want to accomplish this year. For many people, this involves getting fit and eating right. Health is quite …
No Bones About It: Osteoporosis May Nearly Double Risk of Sudden Hearing Loss
What does osteoporosis, a potentially debilitating disease affecting some 10 million Americans and 2 million Canadians, have in common with conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, dementia, and other selected conditions? It can go hand in hand with hearing loss. More specifically, at least one study links …
Turn the Music Up, Dude — But Not Past 85 Decibels
You probably use your tablet or smartphone often to stream music, TV shows, or movies. In fact, many websites these days auto-play videos regardless of whether you want them to. Smartphones, tablets, and other types of portable music players (PMPs) are now commonplace, as are …
Is Weight Connected to Hearing Loss?
Studies about weight often concern its relation to overall health. Common connections include weight and the risk for or prevalence of heart disease, diabetes, and sleep apnea, to name a few. One topic that doesn’t get as much attention is the connection between weight and …
Noise Impacts Hearing—and Food Choices
How’s this for a New Year’s resolution twofer: Dialing down loud sounds could help an individual’s hearing health and their waistline! Excess noise can lead to ear pain, ringing or other unwanted head sounds, and even permanent hearing impairment. It’s one of the leading — …
Myth Busting: 5 Facts About Your Hearing Health
Is hearing loss an isolated issue that doesn’t affect my overall health? Can a simple sound amplifier take the place of hearing aids? Is there nothing I can do about that ringing in my ears? Nearly all hearing problems can be effectively managed, but misconceptions …