Have you heard about the Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act of 2017, recently passed by Congress? The bill, once signed into law by the president and fleshed out with Food and Drug Administration regulations, will allow the retail sale of hearing aids for adults with mild …
Can Prescription Drugs Cause Ringing In the Ears?
Tinnitus, or a ringing in the ears (this can also be a whooshing or pulsing), is generally the first symptom of ototoxicity and is generally short lived, but it can have more permanent symptoms. About Tinnitus Simply defined, tinnitus is a phantom ringing, whooshing, or …
Are You Wasting Cash on Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids?
Learn why self-treating hearing problems with personal sound amplification products might not be a better value after all. Big-box stores, warehouse clubs, and online retailers have made it easier than ever to buy over-the-counter hearing devices or personal sound amplification products (PSAPs), but… not so …
These Delicious Side Dishes Are Good for Your Blood Sugar and Your Hearing
According to the National Institutes of Health, those with diabetes are twice as likely to have hearing loss. Because we’re deep into the grilling months, we’re offering a couple of delicious diabetes-friendly side-dish recipes for your next cookout that will tickle taste buds, turn heads, …
Tips to Help You Live Longer With Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is linked to health conditions that can affect not only your well-being but also your life span. If you have a hearing loss, here is what you should know so you can be the happiest, healthiest you. Your Balance In a study published …
4 Surprising Ways Better Hearing Can Help You Live Longer
In the office the other day, we were talking about segment “Today” did back in January on the benefits of working into retirement. They cited advantages like living longer, keeping your brain fit, reducing isolation and depression, and reinforcing identity. The more we talked about it, the …
3 Nutritious Recipes That Support Healthy Hearing
National Nutrition Month is the perfect time to try out these nutritious, hearing-healthy recipes. March is National Nutrition Month — ready to decorate your plate with something festive and fresh? We’ve brought together some nutrient-rich recipes packed with foods that provide a solid foundation for …
The Link Between the Zika Virus and Hearing Loss
The more research that is done on the Zika virus, the more researchers learn of its long-lasting effects. One of the newest findings? The link between the virus and hearing loss. One of the most impactful ways to protect you and your family from Zika …
10 Heart-Healthy Snack Ideas
Celebrate American Heart Month with heart-healthy snack recipes that also help your hearing. Why is a hearing care provider talking to you about American Heart Month? Because hearing health is strongly linked to heart health! Problems with your heart affect the blood supply to your …
How to Ease Ear Infection Pain at Home
We’ve had earaches too, and we know they are no fun. Getting relief at home is not a cure for an ear infection (or otitis media), but these tips sure will help! With cold and flu season, as well as the customary cooler temperatures, comes …