How Smoking Can Harm Your Ears

How Smoking Can Harm Your Ears

Dr. Molly DillonHealth, Leisure & Lifestyle, Nutrition, Research

Many studies have confirmed a direct connection between smoking and hearing loss. The chemicals in cigarettes, such as nicotine and carbon monoxide, impair the oxygen supply to the inner ear. Proper blood flow and oxygen delivery are critical for maintaining healthy ear function. When blood …

Better Speech and Hearing Month: "Communication Across the Lifespan"

Better Speech and Hearing Month: “Communication Across the Lifespan”

Dr. Molly DillonCommunication, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss, Pediatric Hearing Loss, Research, Science

Each May, the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association (ASHA) celebrates Better Speech and Hearing Month, in an effort to increase awareness about communication disorders and hearing impairments as well as inspire action in the community. For 2019, the theme is “Communication Across the Lifespan”. …

Women’s Hearing Health: A Whole-Health Issue

Dr. Molly DillonDiabetes, Diet, Health, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss, Heart Health, Research, Resource, Tips & Tricks

In recent years, the physical, social, and health issues that women face in their daily lives have been making headlines. Campaigns like the Dove® Campaign for Real Beauty and the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women have been extremely successful at spreading awareness of women’s health issues. However, …